BCA course approved by AICTE. * Registration Open From June 2024 For Admissions (as per Centralized online admissions in Haryana for academic session 2024-25).


       I wish to take this opportunity to welcome whole heartly  the young admission seekers of the Geeta Degree College in this new up coming session . You will now be a cherished member of this college and I wish your stay in the college would be meaningful, bringing glory to yourself and your fraternity. I am sure you will have memorable experience in this endeavour.

With best wishes!!

                                                                                                                                                     Er. R.K. Kaushik


Er. R.K. Kaushik

The challenges of higher education system, particularly the college are to carve out a path and a strategy for themselves so that they can be effective instruments in the process of transformation of this country. Simply producing employable graduates and postgraduates having bookish knowledge is not enough. Creation of new knowledge and innovative mind should be the focus of higher educational system.

            With this aim is mind, we are making sincere and committed efforts to develop this college as a well recognized and established center of higher education. We are striving hard to produce better individuals with right interests, attitude, moral and intellectual values. We are helping the students to develop their knowledge, skills, competence and attitude to use them for growth and prosperity of the society.  

          Geeta Degree College is committed to prepare its students as able professionals- creative, committed, liberal, alive to their environment and capable to contribute to the countries advancement as well as achieve their goals in rapidly changing scientific, political, social and economical scenario.

          In the contemporary era of striving for excellence in every domain of life: Success is synonymous with grit preservence and faith in oneself, while cognitive aspect is given primer attention now a days, the emotional and individual,s professional achievement with that of his roots and moral values, which would enable the individual to become successful human being.

        One has to avoid  distractions and remain focused. The modern means of entertainments are stealing away our creative and physical fitness. We should look within and discover our potential. Consistent striving balance with strong determination and time management can confront all hurdles and bring success. 

From the Director's Desk

Esstablished by Geeta Educational Society (Reg. since 2001)

(Permanent Recognized Co-Education Institute)​
​Affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra​